Saturday, December 17, 2011

First Visit to Santa and Christmas Program

Jillian had her first holiday program last Wednesday. She was so excited about the night and when we got there she ran around, hyper and happy. But soon it ended. The tears came. We tried to calm her down by taking her outside but it got worse because she thought she was missing the program (it hadn't started yet). She finally got back to normal but then it was time to begin. All the kids went to the back of the church and out some doors to file in for their big entrance. Her class was announced and started filing in but where was Jillian? Bringing up the rear, crying in the arms of her teacher.

The first song she cried through, started to rally towards the end of the second. By the third and last song she was fine, jumping up in the air and landing on her bottom.

Earlier in the night she met Santa, her first time ever. Boy, she was ready. She was shaking with excitement. She kept a big smile on her face. I think she forgot to tell him what she wants - a skateboard - but he'll get the message.