Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sunday at Mission Bay

I promise I have a photo of her smiling with me, but isn't this great?!

Sunday we decided to go to Mission Bay for a little stroll. The weather was so-so but it was nice to be outside. We bundled the little girl up and went out. A few minutes into our walk we discovered that dogs weren't allowed in daylight. Oops!

Frutas y Verduras

Jillian loves her bilingual fruits and veggies book. Thank you Gelvin family!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

She Just Rolled Over: Back to Tummy!

As I was typing an email for work this morning I look over at my beautiful baby girl talking up a storm. I had put a mirror next to her Baby Einstein Activity Gym so she could see herself while she played. She looked so cute and so I decided to capture her talking to herself on video. Instead I got to see her roll over from back to tummy for the first time! And I got it all on video! Now, a side note: when Jason and I see something Jillian does it is the "first time". Even if she has done it in front of others! If you turn up volume you can hear my gasp and then the stunned silence at the end.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Solids!: Rice Cereal

Jason and I decided that we would try to give Jillian rice cereal at 5 months. Last Sunday (4/19) we gave it a go.

I read in What to Expect the First Year that you should put a little on the tray and let the baby feel the texture and put it in her mouth. Ha ha ha. I think it is the book's way of preparing you for the huge mess that is to come. And can anyone see what we forgot to do by looking at this adorable photo of our daughter?

Yep, we originally forgot to put on a bib. So glad we caught it before we got too far in the process.

Jillian loved to grab onto the spoon and "help" mommy and daddy with the feeding.

Overall she took to eating rice cereal really well. By the second day she had really gotten it down. I have upped the cereal I make from 1/2 a tablespoon to 1 whole tablespoon. That may not seem like a lot but it makes a fair amount. But our little hippo is getting hungrier. We'll see how long a tablespoon lasts. I'll try to post a video of it soon!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jillian at 5 Months

So, I am behind by about a week on blogging. It has been killing me! So sorry to everyone who checks regularly for updates. I'll try to be better this week!

This photo was taken April 17th. At 5 months Jillian:
  • Giggles when tickled or when you smile at her.
  • Smiles up a storm. Where did our serious baby go?
  • Actually likes to do tummy time. When we have her in a sitting position she will list to the side (or throw herself sometimes) to get to the floor and onto her tummy.
  • Is learning peek-a-boo and the ASL sign for milk.
  • Is starting rice cereal (more about this in the next post).
  • Is getting SO distracted when she nurses. Sometimes she thinks momma is a chew toy for her to play with.
  • Grabs everything she can get her hands on. She especially loves paper and will crumple it and run her nails all over it. I had a scare last week when she put a postcard in her mouth and the ink came off on her fingers, lips and tongue. The person who answered the phone at Poison Control was so nice!
  • Looks for things she's dropped from the bumbo seat.
  • And probably a million more things I'm forgetting!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jillian and Her Balloon: The Movie

Jillian loves balloons. As they deflate they get better and better because she can grab on!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pre-Easter Eggstraveganza

My cousins Megan and John and my Aunt Karen invited us over for a day-before-Easter BBQ and egg hunt. Megan's baby Brooklyn is 6 weeks older than Jillian and I hadn't seen them since January.

Brooklyn seemed to notice Jillian. Jillian just wanted to eat her pants.

Jillian was excited to see her cousin Ethan.

Ethan's kisses are getting more practiced. Lock up your daughters!

Our camera malfunctioned during the Easter egg hunt. How sad. However, we did learn that if your lense gets stuck on your Canon Digital Elph you can bang it on a hard surface or swipe it through the air to "fix" it.

Easter Day

Jillian and Grandma Joy. Who do you think Jillian gets her skin tone from?

I bought this Easter dress at Macy's last year, before she was born. It has little lambs on it and Jillian looked so cute in it.

Daddy and his baby girl. The detail on his shirt was really similar to the detail on her dress. Not done on purpose but it looks nice in photos.

Grandma Pam sacraficed eating dinner with the rest of us to pacify the baby girl. What a lucky girl to have such an attentive grandma.

Don't the Canfields clean up nicely? Can you see Ethan's tie? It was awesome.

Auntie Abbi grabbed Jillian as soon as she got in the house. Jillian just lights up with her around.

3 generations of spunky women.

Great-Grandpa gamely took Jillian over when she was cranky. He walked with her and shushed her. He is such a natural.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Reading The New Crate & Barrel Catalog

Jillian peruses the spring 2009 offerings. Some food bins, perhaps? We are starting on solids next week...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy 29th Anniversary

Love you guys!
Let's go back to St. John, okay?

Long Shoreman Or Roaming Gnome?

Doesn't matter. She's frickin' adorable!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Breakfast With The Canfield's

Ron and Sarah invited us to breakfast last Sunday. It had been awhile since we had all seen each other.
Aunt Sarah sang to Jillian in Portuguese.

Ethan was minimally interested in his cousin. He was more interested in her carseat.

Jillian got a kick out of her Uncle Ron!

Brother and sis hang out. Sarah made awesome German pancakes. You put a little powdered sugar and lemon on top and they are yummy!

Ethan is always entertaining. I love to see what to expect in 10 months!

Jillian Loves Her...


Tia Marie and Tio Doug gave Jillian this piñata toy a couple weeks ago. She just loves this thing. It really is her favorite toy right now. She gets it sopping wet from sucking on it so long. Thank you Doug and Marie!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Move To Formula: Update

So as I have mentioned we have migrated to formula - in part. On days I am at work Jillian receives a formula-breast milk mixture. At night and on weekends Jason will give one or two all-formula bottles. As many of you know I was soooooo resistant to this move. However, it has been wonderful. Almost instantly I felt less stressed about my day. I would dread pumping at work because I hated to see how little I would bring home to my baby girl.

Jillian has taken to the new food pretty well. Kim and Grandma Pam have reported few troubles. A little more spit up and a possible upset tummy day. Jillian can even hold her own bottle. It's really cute!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Daddy's Girl (and Boy)

Brody loves sharing a lap. He wriggles in under our armpit and finds a little place of his own. Jillian is really noticing Brody and has even reached out to pet him. If we could only get him to stop kissing her everytime he gets within a few feet.