Thursday, May 28, 2009

First Time in the Pool

Grandma Joy (who henceforth will be known as Meemaw) was dying to get Jillian in the pool.

She was a little unsure of the water at first.

Jillian grew to like the water very much. It helps that my parents heated the jacuzzi for her (not too hot, just warm).

Daddy volunteered to climb into the spa with his little girl. We're both really hoping she'll be a water baby.

Poor pale girl. She doesn't stand a chance when Jason (and I) look tan in comparison.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

BBQ at the Pardi's

Sunday we headed over to the Pardi's house for some yummy food, tasty drink and great company. Thanks Pardis!

Jillian during a happier moment. She was a little upset that day (see the teeth photo for evidence!)

Kelli gives her first bottle to Jilly Bean.

Aunt Bev just loves our little peanut!

Jillian hanging out with the girls.

Grandma Pam kept taking a cranky pants girl from us. Thank you Grandma!

I love this photo of Jason's grandparents.

Great-grandma Treva loves to get her hands on Jillian.

A Jillian Burrito

Since Jillian has perfected rolling over she has become increasingly more mobile. I am terrified about what is next. She is working on the stink bug position and she kicks her legs and moves her arms but so far can really only turn in a circle and move a couple inches forward. The doctor did warn us to start baby proofing the house. Yikes. She does like to pull things towards her and over her. It's really cute.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wanna See The Teeth?

Warning: Sad photo ahead!

Jillian was a bit cranky on Sunday but she gave me a great photo of her two teeth!

Following in Dad's Footsteps

Jillian loves to touch keyboards and keys. Considering that we have several computers in the house she does not have a shortage of entertainment. I think Jason is hoping that she will love the 'puters like he does.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Solids!: Peas

Since Jillian has been ill she has not taken back to solids very well. Maybe it was the wrong time to try peas - or maybe she was really not a fan. She also developed a small rash on her face after eating them. Coincidence or allergy? It's hard to say. I think we will move on to squash and sweet potatoes. I'm trying not to read too much into this but maybe our baby girl isn't a veggie fan?

Baby, You're Gorgeous When You're Sick

Last week Jillian was sick - twice. She had a very high fever at the beginning of the week and tummy trouble towards the end. It was miserable for Jason and me to see our baby girl in so much distress. She just was not herself! Jillian has been so active lately but when she wasn't feeling well she became quiet and cuddly. At one point she fell asleep in Jason's arms. It was so cute, but so sad. But she really does take beautiful photos when she is sick.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jill(ian) in the Box

First we put Brody in the box.

He was not a fan at all. When I picked him up to put him he splayed his legs out like a cat over water (everyone know what I'm talking about?) I don't know why he mistrusts us so! Jillian showed some interest in the box... we let her jump inside.

She wasn't quite sure what to do once in the box. She studied it very carefully.

I think one day she'll look back and wonder what on earth her parents were thinking. Actually, I have a feeling that will happen several times over!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Solids!: Avocado

We started non-rice cereal solids today! Last night Grandma Pam gave me a tutorial in steaming vegetables. We steamed peas and squash and then I used my food processor for the first time. Aunt Abbi taste tested for us. I wasn't brave enough. We decided to freeze those efforts (thanks Wyndi for the Williams Sonoma Baby Food Cookbook) and go with avocados. She is a California girl, after all. She liked them pretty well. She actually stayed more clean than with rice cereal! I am hoping for a girl that will eat it all. We'll see. I'll let you know how the peas and squash go!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day with J & J

Jason took Jillian and me to Balboa Park for Mother's Day. Before the park we went to Panera for some coffee and breakfast sandwiches.
Little J is becoming so cuddly!
Jillian had another day of not napping. She's not really a nap-on-the-go kinda gal - unless we're in the car. So we took her out of her stroller for some fun photos.

Balboa Park is really beautiful. Jason and I had forgotten how many things to see and do there are. "Look Jillian, you can get a cherry icee for $5!"

Even with a short nap she was pretty cheerful. Daddy makes her laugh.

Super Baby flies high over the Pacific Ocean (or just a fountain - but I had you for a sec, didn't I?)

Awww, how cute. (Side note: do you see the infant socks that don't really fit? We are in the middle of a "laundry crisis" if you will. Those who know me well will not be surprised by this.

Showing Daddy some love on Mommy Day. She doesn't like to play favorites.

Our family portrait.

Jason just made me add another photo with me in it. He thought Mother's Day photos should have the mother in them. I know. I just love my husband and baby girl so much. I want to see photos of them, not me!
Jason made me dinner. It's Mickey Mouse. Though, as he pointed out, it does look a little frightening.

Mother's Day with the Lewkos & Hofers

Saturday afternoon we made it over to Jason's grandparents house for Mother's Day Part Deux. There was a yummy turkey roast, mashed potatoes and salad. It was great to spend some time with Jillian's great grandparents. I just wish I would have gotten some photos. Isn't that always the case? Forgetting to take the important photos.... I managed to get a video that includes them both. Jillian would not give up and sleep. She was so tired. Abbi finally got her to give in and take a snooze!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day with the Canfields

Saturday morning we celebrated Mother's Day with the Canfields. Jason made two kinds of frittatas and Ron made blueberry french toast. Breakfast was delicious.

Sarah begrudgingly gave me a belly pic.

Dad was going to give Jillian her bottle but Mom pulled "Mother's Day" rank.

Ethan sporting his brand new haircut. He looks so grown up. I couldn't get over it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

OMFG, Soooo Cute

I have been eager to have Jillian find her feet. Boy has she ever. She will lay in her crib and grab her feet and talk. I wonder what she has to say to her feet? The video shows what you get when Jillian finds her feet and talks... with hiccups.. in the bath tub.

All Jillian Wants For Christmas...

Is her two front (bottom) teeth! Well, I don't really know that she wanted them (I sure wasn't ready for them!) Last Thursday Grandma Pam told us she felt something in her mouth. Low and behold there was a tooth popping through. The next day Grandma Pam thought she felt two teeth popping through. And so it was. Two teeth!
Jillian has been pretty happy so far and not so cranky for cutting two teeth. I'll try to get a photo of the teeth when they get a little bigger. We have to be careful now not to let her bite us. It hurts!

For Jessica: The Grotesque Menagerie

Jillian has a generous benefactor in my friend Jessica. She has crocheted several animals for our baby girl. Her first attempt, an elephant, was a creative interpretation. Her second attempt, a turtle was awesome. The turtle must be very intelligent because his head is nearly as large as his shell. Her efforts became known as the Grotesque Menagerie. We began joking that she could market these animals. I can't remember the slogans and angles we came up with - I know we referenced Tim Burton at some point. I secretly love these animals. At this point Jillian has an elephant, turtle, pig and caterpillar. Soon she will add an alligator and if she is lucky, a monkey.