Monday, March 30, 2009

Daddy The Hairdresser

Though I don't think anyone would hire him, he does make a mean unicorn horn. And Jillian does wear it so well...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jillian's 4 Month Stats

Height: 24 5/8" (50th-75th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs 7.6 oz (10th percentile)
Head: 15 1/2" (25th percentile)

So our peanut was more of a peanut than we thought. She has dropped from the 25th to the 10th percentile in weight. Because of the drop in percentiles (can I pluralize that?) the doctor suggested we supplement with formula and/or start solids. Jason and I were already going to ask about supplementing since I am still having problems keeping up. The suggestion about solids took me by surprise. I don't know if I'm ready for my baby girl to have big girl food yet.
We started mixing formula in her bottle today. So far so good. I have hopes that this will be beneficial for both Jillian and me. And Jason will finally be able to give her a bottle again, getting that special bonding time.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dog, The Binky Hunter

I get asked quite frequently, "How is Brody with the baby?" The answer is he's great. He gets excited when she's down on the floor and maybe wants to lick her too much, but overall he is very well behaved.

However, it's true - sometimes he only looks innocent.

Victim #1

Victim #2

Victim #3

Victim #4

May I have a moment of silence?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jillian Hits The Beach

Jason went surfing on Sunday and so I asked to be dropped off at my mom and dad's house. We went to Al's in the Village for breakfast and then my mom, Jillian and I went for a walk along the seawall in Carlsbad. It was a beautiful day and Jillian was pretty happy. She snoozed for most of our walk and then we took a snack break where she was all smiles. It was good that she wore the teddy suit because it was slightly breezy. We can't wait to take her back this summer. How cute will she look in a bathing suit?! I've already bought the Costco pack of baby sunblock. This girl's gonna need it!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jillian at 4 Months

Jillian is 4 months old today, 3/17. I cannot believe 4 months have gone by. She is still a very serious baby. We work for those smiles though they come easier every day (especially after she has gotten up from a nap!) Here are some of Jillian's current habits, achievements, milestones, etc.
  • Eating: She's on a three hour schedule during the day. At night she varies. Usually the first stretch is 5 hours between feedings and after that it runs 3-4 hours.
  • Sleeping: Jillian goes down around 6:30-7:00 every night. We try to give her a bath, read a book and feed her in varying orders. She sometimes stays down but generally will get up a few times before she settles. Recently we've had a rough go of it later in the evening. Jillian has had a few nights of inconsolable crying and frequent waking. As you can imagine, Jason and I aren't fans of those nights. And as this is the most frequent question I get about her: No, she isn't sleeping through the night.
  • Talking: She gurgles and buzzes. It is so cute!
  • Holding: Jillian can hold onto heavier things every day, though sometimes she doesn't realize she's holding anything. She can grasp things with both hands and can transfer things from hand to hand.

Some days I feel like Super Woman, some days I feel like Oscar the Grouch. However, my daughter is amazing and I love her so much.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Well she definitely looks Irish, doesn't she? Fair skin, potential for red hair...
Thanks Aunt Sarah, Uncle Ron and Cousin Ethan for her St. Patty's gear!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Way Out West....

Don't they look like chaps?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Video Monitor

So having a video monitor is pretty nifty. You can decide whether a squawk or whimper is really worth investigating. And it's neat to watch her, even if she's sleeping. But, there is a downside. With video you can watch every movement. So wiggling and shifting that you might never have known about are now displayed for you on this tiny screen. You can ignore it or if you're me, jump at every move she makes, thinking it indicates impending doom... er, wake. And, it seems only Kristyn falls under this spell. Jason isn't fazed by it.

Working From Home

Jillian tries really hard to be supportive of her mama working from home. Last week I put her up on the desk with me so I could talk to her. She soon fell asleep. I definitely look forward to her nap times.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Somethin' To Talk About

Jillian is just adorable when she talks. Jason, Grandma Pam and Aunt Abbi can definitely get her going! It's amazing how quickly she is changing. Just a week or so before this she couldn't really get much to her mouth besides her collar.

Diaper Thank You

We have been very lucky to have generous diaper benefactors. Thank you Aunt Bev and Cousin Ashli. Ashli has done some projects on diapers and we reap the benefits of her extras.
And thank you Hannah Fisher. Her son Chase grew out of his diapers and she passed on the extras. We're glad to make use of them!

Beautiful Sunday

Sunday was such a great day. The weather was beautiful and as we now choose (ha ha) to get up early, we decided a morning walk sounded just peachy. We stopped by Starbucks, grabbed a couple icy drinks and roamed around our 'hood. Brody got a little tired. I guess we don't take him out enough anymore.

Jillian was pretty content to be out. She likes her walks for the most part. Sometimes she'll babble happily. Sometimes she'll just stare at us or fall asleep.

We took a break at Westview High School which is just down the street from us.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Home Dinner Date

Check out the amazing meal I put together for us last night! I would say this original cuisine falls under the genre of "Asian Fusion"

Add a little wine and voila!
