Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Stairs!

Here's the story
of a lovely lady
who was climbing up
three very lovely stairs

Only With Grandparents

We spent the night at my parent's house last weekend after the party. Jason got up with Jillian and then at some point came back to bed telling me that my dad took her. So when I finally dragged my butt out of bed and went looking for my daughter I found her sleeping with my mom and dad (they were awake reading the paper). She never does this with us! Sometimes I'll put her in bed with Jason while I get ready in the morning and she crawls all over. If she is really tired she may sit close and still but not fall asleep! Grandma Pam had her fall asleep on her recently too. It must be the grandparents' magic touch.

Dinner Club Halloween Party

On October 17th we headed over to Bonnie's house for our Dinner Club's Halloween party. This is the party and costume search I mentioned in the last post. First of all, the decorations at Bonnie's house are awesome. It looks so cute and I wish I would have thought to take photos of the decor. Way to go Bonnie! Even though we were exhausted we had a great time. And Bonnie's Chicken Enchilada Soup was so yummy!

Pictured, Back Row L-R: Kristen and Mike as Betty and Fred (we didn't realize they didn't "match" the entire night), Michelle and Sam as trailer trash Queen and King, Jason and I as a bag of groceries and a Trader Joe's bagger.
Front Row L-R: Bonnie as Strawberry Shortcake, Michelle and Sam's daughter Callie as Ariel and Kim and Ben as a butterfly (with cat ear's) and a hockey player.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pumpkins, Pictures & Pouting

The Canfields invited us to some pumpkin hunting and picture taking at Bates Nut Farm last weekend. We squeezed the trip in between the Mud Run at Camp Pendleton (Jason) & hunting for a Halloween costume (Kristyn & Jillian) in the morning and our Dinner Club Halloween Party in the evening. It was a very loooooong day and it didn't go 100% smoothly (does anything?). I forgot my inhaler that I waited 45 minutes for at CVS and we got a flat tire a minute away from the pumpkin patch. I'm sure some of you may have already seen some photos up on the Canfield Blog but here are mine.

My adorable nephew Adam. He was wearing a jack-o-lantern shirt.

My older nephew Ethan. He was the only kid that might understand picking out a pumpkin and he was asleep for the first half!
Ron got a better shot than this but we certainly didn't have cooperative babies. I think Grandma and Grandpa loved being around all the grandkids!

Jillian checked out the pumpkins with Daddy's help.

She was more interested in the hay. I am so hopeful she does not develop the allergies her dad or I have to hay and grass and dust and ...

The Two Js. Big J and little j.

My little j is getting SO big. We ended up with a baby pumpkin for her.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Opening Cabinets

Jillian finally figured out how to open the cabinets. We went straight out to buy cabinet locks... that didn't fit. So a few more days of this...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ready For A Dog Of Your Own?

Jillian is trying to show us how responsible she is by taking Brody for a walk. Let me show you how to hold a pooper scooper.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Canfied Family {Minus Ron - We Miss You!}

Ron is off in Texas shootin' armadillos or something like that... and Sarah is playing super mom with Ethan and Adam. What a cute family. We miss you Ronnie.
Adam - almost 3 months old.

{Mmm} What'd you say?

Fact: Kids don't like sugar.

So dang cute. Ethan has so much personality. He made friends with a grandfather at the party and shared his cup with him and sat on his lap. Such a funny guy!

Brooklyn's Birthday

My cousin Megan's daughter Brooklyn is about to turn 1 year old. We celebrated today at a park near her house.

There was a bouncy castle. {Tell me someone thought of "Safety Training"?! Doug?!} We brought Jillian inside to investigate. She was a little unsure at first but then enjoyed crawling all over. We tried to get a photo of our girls but they didn't cooperate. I have 3 other photos like this.

Ethan hung out with Aunt Kristyn and Uncle Jason in the bouncy castle and at the playground.

Ethan and Uncle Jason tandem sliding.

Jillian discovers wood chips. I was so proud.

It was such a fun party! Thanks McKinney family! Now, I really need to start planning Jillian's birthday bash.