Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Brody - 5 Yrs Old Today

Today is Brody's 5th Birthday. He is a little bit grayer but still as spry (hahaha, Bad Santa rocks!) as ever. We weren't allowed to get mad at him but he stole EVERYTHING today (including Jason's floss. Jason still hasn't forgiven him) and he ate my lemon yogurt (he had a yogurt goatee that gave him away).


So I have been in denial for a few weeks. But yes, she is crawling. Well, army crawling. Or creeping. I don't know what you'd call it. I was trying to avoid acknowledging it. But there is no getting around the fact we have to keep the floors clean(er) and she moves where she wants to. Of course, every time we try to capture it on film she doesn't comply. In this clip I try to call her to me but this was right before going up to bath and bed and so I am moderately successful. Enjoy.

Food Updates

So Jillian has been expanding her food horizons... slowly. Mom and dad are still going organic, feeding her Earth's Best and making food. Here's a list of what she has enjoyed so far:
  • Peas
  • Prunes
  • Zucchini
  • Squash
  • Sweet Potatoes (a fave. We just gave her sweet potatoes & chicken)
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Avocado (though she may no longer like this)
  • Carrots
We can't wait for finger foods! We so want to give her whatever we're eating already!

I'm Back!!!

So I have been working for nearly 3 weeks straight (with one day off) and have not had time to blog. I am so excited to be back!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day Love

Jason surrounded himself with love on Father's Day. I had to work (boo hoo) and so he spent the day buying a new surfboard (see photo), surfing, with his mom, with his baby girl and finally, with me. It wasn't the Father's Day I had imagined for him but I can tell you he was really stoked about that board!

Visit From the Gelvins

They brought us dinner. Olivia jumped into the jumpy thing - and didn't quite fit. Jason and Matt put a dress on Brody. Overall a great night!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bottle Buddies

As it is (the day after) Father's Day, I thought I'd post a photo of my two darlings. Daddy couldn't resist the opportunity to have a bottle buddy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why Bother With Bumpers?

So I have been meaning to post these photos for a couple weeks. Recently Jason came rushing downstairs and shout-whispered to me, "You have to see this!"

I really didn't know what to expect but I creeped up the stairs behind him.

She is fully asleep with her arm out the side of the crib, over the bumper.

Those parents who read this know how much a baby can move around in a crib at night. Jillian is no exception. She has recently taken to pulling down the bumpers (they're Breathable Bumpers if anyone is curious as to why they're so thin) to peak out into her room. I guess she fell asleep with her hand out. What's ironic about this situation is that we ended up buying the bumpers because we were afraid she would stick her arms and legs through the slats of the crib. I guess there is no way to prevent it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Look, It's Big Haircut (Shout Out to The Office)

Little J had a few strands of hair that were getting so long they were falling in her eyes. I just swept the strands to the side but Jason was getting annoyed with these errant hairs.

So he decided to give her a trim. Now this is a momentous occasion for any proud parent. I barely had time to grab the camera before he begun snipping. And where are those lovely locks he lopped? I have no idea. He was too fast for me. I'll have to snag them next time.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Jillian's 6 Month Stats (A Little Late)

So Jillian turned 6 months old on 5/17/09 and had her 6 month check up on 5/26/09 but I completely forgot to post her stats. Thanks Jason for the reminder!
Height: 25 7/8" - 50th percentile
Weight: 14 lbs 3 oz - 10-25th percentile
Head: 16 3/8" - 25th percentile
We were glad she went up a bit in her weight since she had dipped down to the 10th percentile during her 4 month visit. Though it's a small improvement we'll take it.
At 6/7 months Jillian is:
  • Drunk sitting. This is where she can sit unassisted but will eventually sway from side to side and topple over.
  • Sleeping from about 7:00 p.m. until about 5:00 a.m. Yeah baby! We're thrilled about this. We get some time to ourselves before bed and a good night's sleep. And most times she goes back down after a 5:00 a.m. bottle and will sleep to 6:00 or 7:00.
  • Getting into a stink bug position and kicking when on the floor. She now loves her tummy time and is desperately trying to move forward. Mommy is not so keen on her doing this. She mostly moves in small circles now.
  • Still in the baby bathtub. We tried a move to the grown up bath tub but that didn't fly. We keep thinking that when she can sit up well we'll try it again.
  • Drinking about 8 oz a bottle. This girl has turned into quite an eater - most of the time.
  • Noticing everything. She can get so distracted. And she really likes to reach out and "pet" Brody. (Petting is grabbing all the fur she can.)
  • So much fun! Jason and I are having so much fun with her. She does a great open mouth laugh where no sound comes out. And she growls and does a dragon voice where she breathes out in a breathy whisper. She is adorable!

Multitasking Mama

Last week we were taking Brody and Little J for a walk and at one point before we left I was holding on to them both. Brody decided to be extra helpful and wound around me a few times. It was too classic not to snap a photo.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our Newest Blog: Lewquote of the Day

So I've been wanting to do this for a while now. Kristyn and I say the most random, funny stuff that's beyond worthy of being digitally captured forever (or at least I think so). So we've started a second blog called "Lewquote of the Day". Here's the link for your enjoyment:

Disclaimer: You will likely not find these quotes as funny as we do. We've accepted that.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Solids!: Squash and Sweet Potatoes

So the third food we introduced was squash. It is pretty watery so we add a little rice cereal to thicken it up. I wouldn't say she loves it but it's been kinda hard to know what food love looks like for Jillian. Until...

Sweet potatoes!

Jillian gobbled this up! Sweet potatoes are sweeter than most veggies and this was also the first jar food we gave. Maybe that had something to do with it? Sadly we noticed a rash on her back after she had a few helpings. We are planning to try them again later since she liked them so much and see if the rash returns.