Sunday, October 26, 2008

Busy Sunday

We kicked off the morning with coffee and pastries (yay breakfast of champions) outdoors at our local shopping center. Jason and I are trying to sneak in little dates here and there. Though is it a date when you bring your stinky little dog?
Jason's first project was installing the car seat base. We bought a seat protector to put under the car seat. It has a few pockets in the front that should come in handy. The seat fits great though I think it will be interesting for a shorty like me to get it out once she's in it. I'll have to build up my arm muscles. It's funny but I have no concept for reading and following directions right now. Jason has to do everything and then teach me!

My main project for the day was laundry! Jillian has so many clothes and burp cloths and blankets and I finally started washing everything. Thank you Grandma Pam for the industrial sized Dreft! I still am in a quandary over organizing her items. I think I have moved everything around 10 times or more.
Our top two priorities of the day were Packing and Pediatricians. We finally got around to packing in early afternoon. I tried to fit it all in a small duffel bag but it really wasn't working. The yellow blanket in the photo is from Jason's Aunt Bev. We're bringing to the hospital to wrap Jillian in but it won't be her blanket. It's actually for Brody so that he can smell her scent before he ever meets her. We haven't chosen a pediatrician but we managed to narrow it down. Jason is going to call this week for more information.

I was exhausted at the end of the night and just wanted a Slurpee and some couch time. Jason had one more project he worked on: shellacking (is that a real word?!) the mural. It is now ready to be hung over her crib!

1 comment:

Wyndi said...

I am bummed, some of the pics don't turn up on the blog. :(
We hope preperations are going well! :)

And, get those dates in!! :) Dates are fun.