Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Can I Get A Push?

A couple weekends ago Jason and I went out on a wild goose chase for a park with some swings. We found several without swings. Kim told me how to get to Hilltop Park which is only a couple minutes away and I tried to find it on my lunch hour today. Jillian has already been there with Grandma Pam and Aunt Abbi but she had trouble telling me how to get there. Thankfully Penasquitos does a good job with signage.

This is a great park with a gorgeous view. Unfortunately, Jillian only tolerated the swings for a few minutes. She kept pointing at the different pieces of playground equipment and there were a few kids around that she was enthralled with. I swear, she was so mesmerized by them I wouldn't have been surprised if she took her first steps and then started running after them.


Audra said...

Yeah you found the swings!

Unknown said...

I love that park!! We should meet there one day when you are "working" from home. Wait, come to think of it.... We were there yesterday, how funny, we must have just missed you!!!!

- Shoot, I'm signed in with a different ID. This is Kim :P