Saturday, May 22, 2010

We Got A Climber!

Unfortunately we don't have a playground within walking distance and Jillian, like any toddler I'm sure, has become enamored with the slide. She loves going on the slide at Grandma's house for some time and after seeing her use a climber at her cousin Ethan's 2nd birthday I became determined to get her something for home.

I became quite the Craigslist stalker. I searched "climber", "slide", "gym", you name it. And I searched every day. Sometimes twice. I had a couple heartbreaks, you know, the usual Craigslist song and dance. And so, when I saw this baby today, I jumped on it!

Or should I say I made Jason jump on it. I didn't want to lose out on it so I sent Jason over right away while I stayed home with a napping Jillian. Thankfully it was only over in Poway so he didn't have far to go.

And it was worth it. Jason and Uncle Taylor set it up in a matter of minutes and she was zipping down the slide. She can't climb the ladder by herself and wants to hurl face first down the slide but thankfully she has a lot of supervision and we'll be working with her in the days to come. So all of you with the itty bitty kiddos, come on over and play!


Tim and Heather said...

How fun. That is so perfect for your yard. Tim's mom has been doing the same thing as you looking for a big swingset for her house. The one she has is really old and she is looking to replace it. You have to be determined to find a great deal and get something off of Craigslist.

Marie said...

Umm... pretty sure that we were searching the same climbers on CL. I too was searching and had a few heartbreaks. I finally gave up the hunt and we decided we are going to build a swing set at my folk's house instead. Congratulations to you for being so patient!

Marie said...

And the joy on Jillian's face in that last picture is priceless! She is pretty stinkin cute!!!