Tuesday, October 28, 2008

TMI Alert II: An Update on Kristyn's Stats

So as of this afternoon I am 90% effaced and 3-4 cm dilated. We asked about how big Jillian is right now and the Nurse Practitioner said it was tough to say but she would guess about 5-6 lbs. She said she was measuring a bit small, but her head seemed really far down (oh goodie!) and so they ordered an ultrasound for next week to see how big she really is. That's if I make it to next week...

Another possible TMI: So late at night when I have to empty my bladder I climb out of bed and toddle over to the bathroom. I'm tired, uncoordinated and it's dark. I end up swaying back and forth for the 10 or so steps to the door. I swear I have to look like the mayor from Nightmare Before Christmas. If you've seen the movie, you know what I mean. Jason teases me now and calls "Oh, Jack," in the mayor's voice when he sees me toddling!


Tara said...

Oh Kristyn,

I think it would be awesome if you had a little Halloween spook! K--let's plan on Friday! I'm excited!

Tara King

Marie said...

So exciting!!! I can't believe that you are already that close!

Aunt Laura said...

Oh my gosh Kristyn, it is almost time. Your mom or dad better have my phone number handy and call me as soon as Jillian arrives! I am so excited I can hardly type this!!!!!