Saturday, October 25, 2008

TMI Alert! Kristyn's Stats

So for those of you in the pregnancy know I got some of my stats at my last doctor's visit. I am 80% effaced and 2 cm dialated. Jason and I were taken by surprise especially when Dr. Ellis began joking about being on duty at the hospital this weekend! We rushed off to Babies R Us that evening to gather some last minute items. Of course, she may still be several days or weeks away. My official due date is still November 15th. Here I am, literally 5 minutes ago. What do you think? Give me your guesses!


Audra said...

You are looking awful cute.

Wyndi said...

I say sometime shortly after halloween! :)
And,I have something to give to you guys from jackie.

Aunt Laura said...

You are getting so close. Tell me how Megan is doing...I assume she has had her baby?

Marie said...

I don't think I have ever seen a cuter belly!!! I don't know when she will come, but I am glad to see how close you are getting.