Monday, August 10, 2009

Jillian Loves Her.... Ahem.... Balls

Jillian has a toy that came with 3 balls. She is supposed to drop them into the toy and a giggle sound comes out. She hasn't quite got into it yet but she does likes them. She bangs them together and chases after them. She can amuse herself for hours chasing them around the dining room.


Audra said...

So funny. I love any toy that will give mommy a few minutes to get something done or a few minutes of peace.

Lissa said...

how nice of you to teach "fetch" to Jillian :0) Just kidding, I couldn't resist :0) she is getting so big, can't wait to see her in a few months!

Danielle said...

Inventing an original use for a new toy is a sure sign of brilliance =)! I hope you are all well!