Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More, Please

Jillian has been "talking" on and off for awhile. And yes, a "Dada" and "Mama" has come out. I was denying that she was actually referring to us until she did it in front of a third party who said,"Oh look, Jillian can say Dada." This was a couple months ago. Then she had a brief period where she was saying "uh oh" when she dropped something or knocked something over. That wasn't consistent and so I still had my doubts. But now, there is a new one. MORE. We have been working with Jillian on sign language and have been doing the sign for "more" and saying it at the same time. Well knock me over with a feather she started signing it back and saying it! I have been trying to capture it on video and I finally did!

And a special thank you to my loving husband who bought me my brand new computer that I am typing on! It is gorgeous and I am so excited to have a laptop that doesn't die the second I unplug it!!!


Danielle said...

So precious! Obviously a baby genius =). One of the little girls I babysit has Downs Syndrom and uses sign language as well as an ever growing use of sounds/words to communicate, and it is a life saver! I've read it's really helpful for babies to learn, so let me know how it goes! And, please tell me it isn't November and your baby is going to be ONE soon!! Where does all this time go?

Tim and Heather said...

That is so adorable. What a little cutie!

weplusthree said...

That is awesome! I'll have to ask if she wants more tomorrow!! How cute is she?!?!

Naseem said...

Oh my gosh, she's so advanced, Kristyn...and sooo cute!