Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jason Assembles the Crib!

Jason puts the finishing touches on Jillian's crib.
We picked out this crib from USA Baby in Miramar. It is made by Creations and called "Summer Evening." We originally only saw it in black and took a leap of faith and ordered it in white. Picking out a crib was a long process. My mom and I went all over San Diego looking for cribs. I would take photos of the ones I liked and then Jason and I would go look at them together for a second (or third, or fourth) time. I really wanted a crib that had a rolled front rail and whimsical details. This crib met all of our wishes. When Jason finished assembling the crib and called me in to see it, the waterworks started. It was the perfect crib for our little girl. Thank you Grandma Joy and Grandpa Ron for the beautiful crib.

1 comment:

Lissa said...

LOVE the crib!!! It matched the room decor great!