Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jillian at 4 Months

Jillian is 4 months old today, 3/17. I cannot believe 4 months have gone by. She is still a very serious baby. We work for those smiles though they come easier every day (especially after she has gotten up from a nap!) Here are some of Jillian's current habits, achievements, milestones, etc.
  • Eating: She's on a three hour schedule during the day. At night she varies. Usually the first stretch is 5 hours between feedings and after that it runs 3-4 hours.
  • Sleeping: Jillian goes down around 6:30-7:00 every night. We try to give her a bath, read a book and feed her in varying orders. She sometimes stays down but generally will get up a few times before she settles. Recently we've had a rough go of it later in the evening. Jillian has had a few nights of inconsolable crying and frequent waking. As you can imagine, Jason and I aren't fans of those nights. And as this is the most frequent question I get about her: No, she isn't sleeping through the night.
  • Talking: She gurgles and buzzes. It is so cute!
  • Holding: Jillian can hold onto heavier things every day, though sometimes she doesn't realize she's holding anything. She can grasp things with both hands and can transfer things from hand to hand.

Some days I feel like Super Woman, some days I feel like Oscar the Grouch. However, my daughter is amazing and I love her so much.


Audra said...

Wow! It is amazing how fast time has flown by. She is getting so big.. and those sleepful nights will be back and these sleepless nights will just be a memory.

Marie said...

I LOVE the yawning picture, she is too cute. We had a great time getting together with you two!

Wyndi said...

SOOOO big! What a cutie!
I love her green shirt. :)

Aunt Laura said...

She is so adorable. I probably said this before, but I love hearing / reading about baby Jillian! I can't wait to see her again. p.s. I love the Office comments - Uncle Ron and I love that show.

weplusthree said...

She's so cute, and you are super woman. I'm surprised she is such a pacifier baby! I thought Jason just liked the clip because it said "I love daddy" :) But she does like her pacifier! And her smiles are coming a lot more often... that should make up for a few fussy nights. I think it has something to do with the moon... every time Aaron has a rough night, I find another baby or two that has as well. We'll all make it though :)

Sarah said...

Happy 4 month birthday, Jillian! Soon she will be sleeping through the nights, she is just trying to enjoy every minute with you :)