Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day with J & J

Jason took Jillian and me to Balboa Park for Mother's Day. Before the park we went to Panera for some coffee and breakfast sandwiches.
Little J is becoming so cuddly!
Jillian had another day of not napping. She's not really a nap-on-the-go kinda gal - unless we're in the car. So we took her out of her stroller for some fun photos.

Balboa Park is really beautiful. Jason and I had forgotten how many things to see and do there are. "Look Jillian, you can get a cherry icee for $5!"

Even with a short nap she was pretty cheerful. Daddy makes her laugh.

Super Baby flies high over the Pacific Ocean (or just a fountain - but I had you for a sec, didn't I?)

Awww, how cute. (Side note: do you see the infant socks that don't really fit? We are in the middle of a "laundry crisis" if you will. Those who know me well will not be surprised by this.

Showing Daddy some love on Mommy Day. She doesn't like to play favorites.

Our family portrait.

Jason just made me add another photo with me in it. He thought Mother's Day photos should have the mother in them. I know. I just love my husband and baby girl so much. I want to see photos of them, not me!
Jason made me dinner. It's Mickey Mouse. Though, as he pointed out, it does look a little frightening.


weplusthree said...

You are so cute. I love all your captions. I noticed the ears on your pasta, but it wasn't until I saw the face that I got a little spooked! Oh... and Jason should be telling Jillian "I remember when a cherry icee was only a buck fifty!!" Five bucks, what a rip off :)

Lissa said...

I am so proud of you too! You have made the parenthood transition so smoothly and seem to really be enjoying it! I enjoy seeing new pictures of all three of you!! You all look great! Your hair has gotten so long! I am letting mine grow too--twins :0) ahh just like the old days! Happy belatd Mother's day! I love you!