Tuesday, May 5, 2009

For Jessica: The Grotesque Menagerie

Jillian has a generous benefactor in my friend Jessica. She has crocheted several animals for our baby girl. Her first attempt, an elephant, was a creative interpretation. Her second attempt, a turtle was awesome. The turtle must be very intelligent because his head is nearly as large as his shell. Her efforts became known as the Grotesque Menagerie. We began joking that she could market these animals. I can't remember the slogans and angles we came up with - I know we referenced Tim Burton at some point. I secretly love these animals. At this point Jillian has an elephant, turtle, pig and caterpillar. Soon she will add an alligator and if she is lucky, a monkey.


weplusthree said...

Those things are adorable! And they would totally sell... haven't you heard of the ugly dolls, or something like that. People buy the weirdest things... Send one to a celebrity, and let their baby be photographed with it once, and people will pay big bucks.

Lissa said...

Great job Jessica!! Lord knows Lissa isn't that talented, poor Jillian will have to do with store bought stuff from me!! :0)