- At her 1 year appointment she weighed 19 lbs, 11 oz. (25% percentile). She is in the 50th percentile for height (enjoy it while you can, sweetheart) and the 25th-50th for head circumference.
- She still isn't walking. She can take 3-4 steps but then stops and sits down or pitches herself forward and falls. Mama is still not in a rush.
- She says and signs so many things! She likes to repeat words once you say them and so it is hard to tell the words she knows. I try to only allow them to the "list" when she will say them without prompting. Signs she knows/does: More, Eat, Milk. Words she knows/says: More, Mama, Dada, Balloon, Up, Cheese, Hi. She is practicing more and more everyday.
- Her beautiful, glorious, wonderful habit of sleeping through the night has been interrupted for the past 2 weeks or so and she has had frequent night wakings. Bummer for her and for us. She usually only requires our attention once during these wakings. Often she'll toss and turn for a bit and then fall back asleep. I really want her to go back to the wonder of 10+ hours of continuous sleep!
- She is learning to climb. First the stairs. Now she is working on her little chair, the couch and the dishwasher, which as you can see, she has mastered. I actually took this when I was at home by myself with her one weekend. I was doing dishes at the sink while she was playing with the detergent tray of the dishwasher. I look down at her and she had climbed up onto the door. So funny. Jason came home at that moment and I called him in right away to look at our silly girl.
- 8 (?) teeth and counting. We can't really tell how many teeth our girl has. As far as I know it is 8 but about a month ago she was pretty fussy and drooling and we thought for sure new teeth were coming. Not that we've seen or felt. But you do risk amputation by putting your fingers in that cute little mouth.
- We are still having so much fun with her. I am struggling to be the best mom that I can be while balancing work, my marriage and life in general. It doesn't always (or often...) work out the way I imagine or idealize but I am working on accepting the joys life brings and not trying to make myself and others something we are not.
Making & Baking
4 years ago
Love all the stats :) She is adorable and lucky to have you and Jason! Dont "struggle" to be the best mom you can be, just be the best mom you can be! Often we are too dang hard on ourselves! You are doing great and can see it in that sweet smiling face of Little Jillian :)
Kristyn, I can't begin to tell you how much respect I have for all my mommy friends! You have to wear so many hats, get so little sleep, and put your child first, then your hubby, and then yourself - I don't know how you all do it! Just continue to do what you can each day and don't stress yourself "trying"- I'm sure you are doing great - as is evidenced by your sweet little girl!
How in the world can she be 13 months old?! I feel like it was just yesterday that Jason was sharing the news of her arrival! Such a sweet little face. Enjoy the holidays with her :)
LOVE the new picture, but don't I say that with every one I see?!? Well it's true, I do LOVE them all! It makes me feel closer and a pert of her life. I got your xmas card today LOVE IT! Keep up the great work as my friend, a wife, and a mother!!! MISS YA!
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