Sunday, January 24, 2010

Carlsbad Half Marathon

Today Jason ran his first half marathon. I was so proud of him and my mom, who also ran in the marathon. My mom actually thought of the two of them running it together and purchased the entry as Jason's Father's Day gift. Here are some photos of the day.

5:30 A.M. Getting ready for the race.

8:24 A.M. We see them for the first time!

8:48 A.M. We begin our camp out on Carlsbad Blvd. It was coooold! Well, cold for Souther California sissies.

Pam joined us to watch the runners go by. It was fun to cheer on people that you didn't know. It really made me appreciate that each of these people got off of their butts to get out and run. And even though I wasn't running, I was out cheering for a bunch of folks I have never met. And that was doing more than I normally do.

Sarah and Adam.

Jason as he passed us by again. Good eye Ron to catch him. We were about 2 miles from the finish line.

Mom waves the Ethan as she passes us by. I almost missed her the 2nd time. I was walking down the street with Jillian when someone shouted, "there she is." I was looking around at all the runners and all I could see was this lady with brown hair like my mom and she was stumbling down the street (poor thing). And THAT was NOT my mom. So I thought they were either blind or kidding me. Thankfully I saw her and ran to catch up with her and the rest of the family.

Drinking chocolate milk. It's supposed to help with something after you run. Low blood sugar maybe???

And the real reason Jason ran - a celebratory beer. They sure deserved it.


Marie said...

Congratulations Joy and Jason!!! We are so proud of you two.

Audra said...

Congratulations you two! Bonnie and Kim ran that one too I think.

Bonnie said...

yep the canfield/lewko clan didnt see us :) we were too speedy for the naked eye!! haha, right! Way to go Jason and Joy. . . see ya at the next one?