Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jillian's Kitchen

Mima and Grandpa got Jillian a kitchen for Christmas. Jason got to learn the joys of "some assembly required."

Jillian got a big kick out of it. Everytime we come downstairs she hurries over to play with the kitchen.

She loves to check in the oven. She will even put the pots, and the silverware, and the food and whatever she can find in the oven.

The stove top burners light up and make noise. There are grooves in the bottom of the pot and frying pan that trigger separate noises. And when you put the lid on the pots it muffles the noise just like a lid on a real pot. It's pretty awesome. Once Jason had it put together I spent some decent time playing with the different features. It also has a phone that rings, a light that turns on, microwave buttons that make noise, and a clock. I think Jillian will love this for a long time!


Marie said...

Can I come play with that kitchen?! Looks like fun.

Elizabeth said...

Love the kitchen. I had one when I was a kid and got LOTS of play time out of it. Jillian will really enjoy it in the months/years to come :)

Audra said...

So much fun. Kitchen were a big hit in our house as well.

weplusthree said...

How fun!! The toy companies have really stepped up their game, haven't they ;)

Lissa said...

SO much fun!! They have come a long way since my play kitchen (which we all loved) :0)