Monday, January 17, 2011

Recap: October

I have for some reason had incredible blog fatigue and can't bring myself to post. Hopefully this will be cured soon. But, for the sake of Jillian's future scrapbook I need to post something.

October: Jillian dressed as a pumpkin for Halloween. I decided to make her costume thinking, "It can't be that hard." I think I overestimate my sewing skills. Our camera's flash broke on my outing to The Office and so I really have no good Jillian Halloween pics. She did like
trick-or-treating but she'd get nervous at the doorway and didn't really want to take candy when anyone offered it. Her cousin Adam is almost 8 months younger and went for it more than she did! I
think next year she'll get it.

Jason and my family also threw me a surprise birthday party the day before Halloween. It was a Lost theme and I had so much fun!

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