Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today Jillian had her two month check up which includes immunizations. It's amazing all of the vaccinations they fit into one shot. All told she had three shots and one oral vaccination.

She cried after she was pricked but I think Mommy and Daddy were ready to cry more. Her tears dried quickly though and she fell asleep. It's been two hours since her shots and she is still asleep. The doctor said side effects could include a fever, diarrhea, general fussiness and sleepiness. The odds are much more in our favor for her to get one or all of the first three. I think she just fell asleep after the stress of the event. And for those of you who like to view the photos larger, yes, those are bubbles on her lips. Too cute.

Her current stats are:
10 lbs 4.8 oz
22 3/4" long


Wyndi said...

Yay! I am glad she did well!! :)
After O's 2month shots she slept a TON for like a week! It was nice. :)
Good to see you guys yesterday!

Marie said...

Weird, we were at the doctor today as well. Good to hear she is doing well!

Lissa said...

I am also glad to hear that her shots went well...I got shot too today, but I was a big girl and no tears for me :0) (no worries just time for a vaccine)LOVE all of the pictures of her I feel like I am closer!!! I am going to inspire to be like you!