Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Okay, so I have a couple. I'll let Jason jump in and edit this post or do his own if he likes.
1. Keep up the picture taking. We've done well but we're slipping.
2. Get up to speed with Jillian's baby scrapbook. As any of you scrapbookers know, it is so hard to be really far behind.
3. Get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and size. I'm about 15 lbs and 2-3 pants sizes away.
4. Be better at remembering birthdays, anniversaries, etc. I have some fantastic friends and relatives who never forget to call, send a card, etc. I want to be like that too!
5. Find some time each day just to soak in the fact that I am a mom, that I have a wonderful husband and this magical daughter. I want to absorb life, not just try to get through it.
6. Snag a little "me" time in each day. Usually it is writing this blog or taking a shower. I just want to make sure it gets in there some how to preserve my sanity.
I'm sure I'll think of more. Now, can I keep them???

(I had to stick in some oh-so-cute photos to keep my spirits up!)


Marie said...

I love the sleeping pictures! Jillian looks so sweet, not that she isn't sweet when she is awake. But something about her when she sleeps... just perfect.

Audra said...

Those all seem like very do able resolutions that we really should all try to keep. I know you can do it.

Lissa said...

I LOVE you new year resolutions!! Now, I can't assume I am one of your friends who are great with the birthdays or anything, but my trick (which has been VERY VERY useful) is that I made a spreadsheet with each of the months at the top and I listed everyone I know whose birthday fell under each month along with the date of the month...if you want I can forward you a copy to look at--I have mine posted on the fridge so I see it everyday!! Love ya!