Thursday, January 15, 2009

Review: Homelife Dishwashing Detergent

So recently I refused to pay full price for dishwashing detergent. Cascade and the like were ridiculously expensive and I didn't have a coupon. So I purchased Albertson's generic brand. Let me tell you, this stuff is awesome. Right away I noticed that the dishes were cleaner than with the name brand stuff. If you're in a pinch or looking for something new in the dishwashing department, I highly recommend it!


Marie said...

How cute are you!!! I hate paying full price as well. I have a game when I grocery shop trying to see how much I can save each time.

Bonnie said...

So wierd. . . that same day I got home from work and was going to post about my dishwasher :) We must be on the same mind track!! Hope things are well