Monday, April 27, 2009

Solids!: Rice Cereal

Jason and I decided that we would try to give Jillian rice cereal at 5 months. Last Sunday (4/19) we gave it a go.

I read in What to Expect the First Year that you should put a little on the tray and let the baby feel the texture and put it in her mouth. Ha ha ha. I think it is the book's way of preparing you for the huge mess that is to come. And can anyone see what we forgot to do by looking at this adorable photo of our daughter?

Yep, we originally forgot to put on a bib. So glad we caught it before we got too far in the process.

Jillian loved to grab onto the spoon and "help" mommy and daddy with the feeding.

Overall she took to eating rice cereal really well. By the second day she had really gotten it down. I have upped the cereal I make from 1/2 a tablespoon to 1 whole tablespoon. That may not seem like a lot but it makes a fair amount. But our little hippo is getting hungrier. We'll see how long a tablespoon lasts. I'll try to post a video of it soon!


Audra said...

I love when they start eating food. They sleep longer at night and they don't go through as many bottles. It really frees a mom up for quick errands and what not. She is just so gosh darned cute!

Aunt Laura said...

Yum yum! Jillian, tell mommy and daddy to always have 2 spoons at feeding time; one for you to play with and one for them to feed you with. That way, they don't have to pull it out of your hand for the next scoop.