Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Solids!: Squash and Sweet Potatoes

So the third food we introduced was squash. It is pretty watery so we add a little rice cereal to thicken it up. I wouldn't say she loves it but it's been kinda hard to know what food love looks like for Jillian. Until...

Sweet potatoes!

Jillian gobbled this up! Sweet potatoes are sweeter than most veggies and this was also the first jar food we gave. Maybe that had something to do with it? Sadly we noticed a rash on her back after she had a few helpings. We are planning to try them again later since she liked them so much and see if the rash returns.

1 comment:

Tim and Heather said...

I love the bib in the first picture...I wonder who got it for her.