Sunday, June 28, 2009


So I have been in denial for a few weeks. But yes, she is crawling. Well, army crawling. Or creeping. I don't know what you'd call it. I was trying to avoid acknowledging it. But there is no getting around the fact we have to keep the floors clean(er) and she moves where she wants to. Of course, every time we try to capture it on film she doesn't comply. In this clip I try to call her to me but this was right before going up to bath and bed and so I am moderately successful. Enjoy.


Marie said...

Oh my what a big girl! Jillian, we are so proud of you. You are going to have to teach little Emma some tips. Yay for crawling!!!

Gabrielle said...

Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing! I can't believe she is such a big girl-and so advanced for her age! What a cutie-pie

Tim and Heather said...

Wow, what a big girl. I was happy that Rachel found her hands. Crawling is huge! That was a great little clip. We need to get together soon and do pictures again.