Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Day

Jillian and Grandma Joy. Who do you think Jillian gets her skin tone from?

I bought this Easter dress at Macy's last year, before she was born. It has little lambs on it and Jillian looked so cute in it.

Daddy and his baby girl. The detail on his shirt was really similar to the detail on her dress. Not done on purpose but it looks nice in photos.

Grandma Pam sacraficed eating dinner with the rest of us to pacify the baby girl. What a lucky girl to have such an attentive grandma.

Don't the Canfields clean up nicely? Can you see Ethan's tie? It was awesome.

Auntie Abbi grabbed Jillian as soon as she got in the house. Jillian just lights up with her around.

3 generations of spunky women.

Great-Grandpa gamely took Jillian over when she was cranky. He walked with her and shushed her. He is such a natural.


Audra said...

Jillian is so cute!!! She seems so alert now in all the pictures. She is like a real baby now not a newborn anymore. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family to love that sweet baby! Keep up the posts I love seeing her pictures since we don't get to see you very often!

Marie said...

You are so right, Ethan's tie is crazy cute!!! And I LOVE Jillian's traveling headband that moved from the top of her head to the side. It adds great personality!

Marie said...

Oh and Jillian, I love your little lamb dress. Nice pick Kristyn!

Wyndi said...

I had that dress for Olivia too! It is a cute one!