Monday, June 8, 2009

Jillian's 6 Month Stats (A Little Late)

So Jillian turned 6 months old on 5/17/09 and had her 6 month check up on 5/26/09 but I completely forgot to post her stats. Thanks Jason for the reminder!
Height: 25 7/8" - 50th percentile
Weight: 14 lbs 3 oz - 10-25th percentile
Head: 16 3/8" - 25th percentile
We were glad she went up a bit in her weight since she had dipped down to the 10th percentile during her 4 month visit. Though it's a small improvement we'll take it.
At 6/7 months Jillian is:
  • Drunk sitting. This is where she can sit unassisted but will eventually sway from side to side and topple over.
  • Sleeping from about 7:00 p.m. until about 5:00 a.m. Yeah baby! We're thrilled about this. We get some time to ourselves before bed and a good night's sleep. And most times she goes back down after a 5:00 a.m. bottle and will sleep to 6:00 or 7:00.
  • Getting into a stink bug position and kicking when on the floor. She now loves her tummy time and is desperately trying to move forward. Mommy is not so keen on her doing this. She mostly moves in small circles now.
  • Still in the baby bathtub. We tried a move to the grown up bath tub but that didn't fly. We keep thinking that when she can sit up well we'll try it again.
  • Drinking about 8 oz a bottle. This girl has turned into quite an eater - most of the time.
  • Noticing everything. She can get so distracted. And she really likes to reach out and "pet" Brody. (Petting is grabbing all the fur she can.)
  • So much fun! Jason and I are having so much fun with her. She does a great open mouth laugh where no sound comes out. And she growls and does a dragon voice where she breathes out in a breathy whisper. She is adorable!


Sarah said...

Such a cute little love bug. I can't believe how big she is. Yay for sleeping through the night! That is great news and I bet you guys are enjoying it. Can't wait until the next time I get to see her! She is more and more alert every time, it is so fun.

Marie said...

You two are such sweet parents to little J. I can really tell how much you two love her, just through your words. She is a lucky little girl! And a cute one at that!

Marie said...

I just read her stats again, and I realized that our Emma is a giant compared to J. At Emma's 4 month appt. she was 26 inches which is already taller than Jillian at 6 months. Sweet petite little J and poor tall Emma. Hopefully she won't tower over everyone too much.

Lissa said...

Yeah I just read Marie's comment and sadly I don't think Jillian has much of a chance to be super tall! I love the picture of Jillian, I can't wait to eat her up next time I see her, last time was too quick---and haha very funny on your comments on my blog--I am always "working" on my tan, but I never get anywhere :0)