Sunday, November 9, 2008

Birthday Dinner at the Canfield's

I made it to Saturday without any signs of labor so we celebrated my 28th birthday a little early.

Mom taking down everyone's guesses as to when Jillian will arrive. We did two sets of guesses - this upcoming week and the next.
Ethan is huge! I cannot believe it. And he has Chuck Bass pants on!

The Lewko clan. Our camera battery died after this photo so my mom's camera has the rest of the family photos. I'll add more once I get them from her. I about freaked when the battery died. We had also brought our video camera to the dinner and that battery died too! What if Jillian were to have come and both had died!!! Now they are all nice and charged up!

1 comment:

Aunt Laura said...

Great looking family! When's the next one going to get here!!!