Saturday, November 29, 2008

What's Happening At The Lewko House

We're trying to get Jillian to sleep in her bassinet/Pack 'n' Play/crib instead of on us. However she is not a fan of being put down. Mommy and Daddy have a hard time letting her cry and also want to get their sleep so she ends up...
...snuggling up and sleeping with us a lot. We really will try hard to break her of this but first we need a little sleep of our own!

Also, she has found her fist. She's not super coordinated with it yet but it helps her along sometimes. We desparately tried to introduce the pacifier a little earlier than recommended but she wasn't crazy about it yet.
Jason and I are doing pretty well. Sleep is still an issue as you can see. We try to switch off so we each get some good sleep but we still are pretty deprived. Jason's catching some z's with our little girl as I type this. We've had so many visitors. Thank you to everyone who has stopped by and brought food. We haven't had to cook in 2 weeks! I am hoping that life feels "normal" soon. It still feels like some weird, extended vacation. I have a "to do" list that is barely touched and the days go by SO fast! I hope everyone had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!


Audra said...

Welcome to Parent Hood:) It seems like a crazy roller coaster ride that goes by so fast.

Marie said...

My goodness, she is adorable! I hope that Emma will like to snuggle like Jillian does. Like you said it is not the best habbit, but it is so so cute.

Wyndi said...

Awww..she is so cute!
Good Luck with the sleep! It'll come! :)
It is hard to put them down when they are so cuddly!