Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Couple Days Late... I'm 3 Weeks Old

Yay me, I'm three (weeks old)!

Here is our precious girl snoozing in her Pack 'n' Play. She loves to have her hands by or on her face and above her head like this. I did snap this photo on Monday, 12/8 about an hour after she officially turned 3 weeks old.

Sleeping is still going well. At night she falls asleep after feeding pretty regularly. I have a routine when I get up to feed her where I change her diaper first, swaddle her tightly and then feed. That way if she nods off she can go right down in her crib. Most of the time it works well. I'm very jealous of my cousin Megan, though. Her 9 week old is sleeping through the night. Her daughter Brooklyn is on formula, which Megan attributes to the success, but I'm still jealous. I have a feeling we will not be so lucky at 9 weeks!


Audra said...

So sweet I love pictures of babies sleeping they are just so precious. I love that she has her little arms up.

Marie said...

She is so cute. I love her arms above her head.

Sarah said...

So cute! I remember Ethan couldn't stand having his hands tied down in blankets or swaddled. They're going to be best friends! :)