Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Past Week: A Possible TMI

So let's start this off on a good note with a picture of me and my beautiful daughter. Everyone happy? Okay good. Now let's delve into the misery that has plagued me for the past week: clogged milk ducts. Last Friday night I woke up with an intense pain in one breast. I stumbled downstairs to grab my books on breastfeeding and What To Expect The First Year. I determined that I had a clogged milk duct. I jumped in the shower, per the suggestion of the books, and tried to massage it out. I had some moderate success and it went away the next day... only to return in the other breast. So I read some more and was soon doing a barrage of home remedies. Each day I would think I had beat it and each day it would transfer to the other breast. Wednesday it came to a head with the most painful one yet. I was crying it hurt so badly. I tried so hard to work it through and was successful, though it took an extra day. Last night it returned to that same painful spot with a vengence. I was (and still am, to be honest) miserable. It hurt to just be. One of the ways to clear the duct is to feed every two hours or less and then pump after to clear everything out. First of all, it kills to put her to my breast in this state. Second, once she feeds and I pump, it's pretty much an hour to the next feeding. My breasts are so sore and beat up at this point I dread feeding my daughter. How sad is that?! And poor Jason had to be up with me all night because it hurts so badly I can't really lift or burp her. To make things a mite worse, Jillian has been a little fussy since last night. We are all pretty beat up right now!


Lissa said...

Ok I am going to try this again--or should I say for the third time- since each time I forget my password and email combo to log in...I can't believe how big she is getting!! I can't wait to meet her!! Warning I may snatch her up out of your arms as soon as I walk in! :0) Sorry to hear about your booby issues--I will let you know if I hear any good advice from work! Hang in there, it will get better!!!

Audra said...

I have no advice for you just wanted to say hey. Good luck.

Gabrielle said...

Oh Kristyn! I am so sorry you are in pain. Please hang in there, I am certain this must pass. On a lighter note Jillian is absolutely adorable, Christmas suits her well! I love the Christmas background on the blog. I'm thinking of you and will catch up soon!

Elizabeth said...

If you are at wits end tomorrow (Monday) and need some encouragement, I HIGHLY recommend Mary Birch's breastfeeding support group. It's 10am on the 2nd second floor in the Grace Benbough room. I was there for 4 months straight, every Monday and I have the BEST Mommy support group ever. Some of my closest friends. I totally understand (and feel) your pain.

Tara said...

Kristyn, honey, I am so sorry for your misery! However, what a cute little sweetheart you have there! O.K. for the good news, my sister-in-law is a lactation specialist. In fact, the dear girl just recently wrote a book on breastfeeding "Mommy's little breast feeding book". Plus she has an online site that you can e-mail her questions here is the site, for Michele Carnesecca. She is the best and will know how to help you. If you can't get to her online, call me and I will give you her home number. Hang in there, you are a good mommy! Merry Christmas and thank you for the darling card & pictures--Jillian is a treasure!

xoxo-Tara King

Lewko Family Blog said...

Thank you for the support and suggestions. Elizabeth, a breastfeeding support group is a great idea. I know Scripps La Jolla has one as well. Tara, I will look up Michele and see if I can get in touch with her! Love you all!