Friday, December 5, 2008

Sleep - Knock On Wood

First of all, thanks for all the comments, especially on my Ups and Downs post

So yesterday Jillian slept and slept and slept. She fell asleep in the car and so I left her in her carseat. She didn't wake up for over an hour after I got home. I was getting pretty nervous that meant she would be CRANKY all night. Jason and I are really trying to stick to our guns and put her down instead of sleep holding her. So "bedtime" came and we started our routine. At first she was restless and Jason stayed up with her. I got up to feed her around 11:00 and then - it happened! I put her down in her crib and she slept. I curled up in the chair alone and nervously tried to fall asleep. Her baby noises (which are hilarious) woke me up several times but she didn't cry. She woke up for her next feeding (around 2:30) but without crying. After that one, I put her down again thinking that I got really lucky and she would be up immediately. She slept again! After the 6:00 feeding I transferred back into our bedroom and laid her in the bassinet. She lasted until 7:45. Awesome. I don't expect in to happen again tonight but I do have a foolish hope that it will.


Doug and Marie said...

What's going on here? A 2 hour labor and now your 2 week old baby is sleeping through the night. I hope that we're that lucky! You two are doing such an amazing job.

Wyndi said...

Ohh!! Congratualtions! One night is a good thing! Just keep sticking to your guns! :) It'll get easier! I promise!

Audra said...

Yeah for Baby Jillian.