Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ups And Downs Of Motherhood

So I am new to this motherhood game and the last few days have brought some ups and downs for me:
Up: Getting Jillian to sleep in her bassinet for more than 2 minutes. I'm not sure how long has been the record, but I'm guessing about an hour and a half.
Down: Projectile spit up. Jillian reenacted The Exorcist for me a couple days ago. And she has been spitting up ever since. I have tried to sit her upright and let the milk settle before burping. No dice. Suggestions welcome!
Up: Seeing gas bubble smiles. Soooooo cute! We constantly try to capture these on film but they are fleeting. We think she may have a dimple on her right cheek. When she is really smiling we'll know for sure.
Down: Seeing the furrowed brow which indicates crying is about to commence. We've had a couple tough evenings so far. Jason got a doozy on Monday when he came home. Cranky Jillian + exhausted Mommy = stressed out Daddy!
Up: Breastfeeding. Not only is it a nice time to bond with my daughter but it quiets her down if she is fussy. Makes me feel like I have super hero powers.
Down: Realizing I have spent several days trying to return a phone call or email or ________. I like to be productive and when it takes 24 hours to complete a blog post.... I try not to let it bother me but it does. I'm trying to put her in the baby sling soon. Hopefully this will help.
Up: Being a mommy. I love it. Enough said.


Aunt Laura said...

I always remember people telling me to let them cry when putting them to bed. So I am telling you that it is o.k. to let her cry in the bassinet - she will eventually fall least I think so, I never could wait that long! I would give in and hold them. So much for advice from Aunt Laura. I'm not too sure about the spitting up thing. If you haven't already, I would at least call the doc and see what they recommend. At least keep plenty of laundry soap on hand for all the clothes washing you will be doing! ha ha, not funny Aunt Laura, I know.

Audra said...

Hang in there. Ephraim was a super fussy baby and would never sleep so I know where you are coming from. I let the girls cry and I hated it and vowed I wouldn't do it again so with my super fussy baby he just slept with us. You will learn what is right for you and your family and you will get that perfect routine. Welcome to the club now you know where the rest of us were coming from:)

Bonnie said...

The last up is the most important. . . everything else will fall into place, I promise!! It only gets easier, newborns are hard! My only downer about your post is it came without a new picture! Im sure she has changed since that 2 week birthday picture!! Im going away this weekend but would love to come visit or take a crabby baby off your hands for at least a few minutes next week - I will call you

Marie said...

So I don't have any mommy advise, because I am not going to be a mommy for 4 more weeks. I just want to say that I think you are doing a great job and I can't wait to call you for advise. Good job mommy!

Elizabeth said...

I work with Jason at Peregrine and I have thoroughly enjoyed your pictures and your posts. Congrats on your little girl's arrival. I am so excited for both you! I love your "ups and downs" - and my favorite is: "Breastfeeding" - enjoy those moments with Jillian. There really is nothing like it, and it seems to go so fast. My little guy decided he was done nursing at 9 months and I was a little sad to lose those moments with him. As for the spitting up - that is a whole separate conversation :) Merry Christmas to you and your family (love your dog, by the way).

Wyndi said...

I hope she sticks to nursing for a long time. I was bummed when O stopped at 5 months. But, that is her stubborn independent streak. :)
I agree with bonnie, being a mom is so fun!! It will get easier! I promise!!

weplusthree said...

I am so happy for you and am glad that you are enjoying being a mother. She is absolutely beautiful. We are still batteling the sleep thing... Let me know if you figure it out :) 3 kids, and I still don't know what the key is. You can't be that unproductive if you are keeping up with blogs at all! I am lucky if I can get pics on Myspace every few weeks, no verbalizing required for that one. I will have to call you sometime. I was thinking I could off load the big loud ones and we could hang out with just the babies. Easier said than done, but some day. Been thinking of you lately. Take care.