Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm A Baby Einstein Copycat

Ron and Sarah lent us Ethan's Baby Einstein Activity Gym. I've been meaning to put it together for awhile but things always got in the way.

I saw that Gabby had Ava on this same mat and I thought, "I really have to put this together." So I got the pieces together; some were in the garage, some in her room, some downstairs.

The first time we put her down she was cranky which does not bode well for any activity besides mom and dad holding her. The second time she liked it a lot more. Daddy even played with her.

I was so excited to post her pics when I saw Marie's post with Emma on her Baby Einstein mat.

So I guess we are officially Baby Einstein Copycats!


Marie said...

Well maybe we aren't copycats, maybe we are all members of the Baby Einstein fan club. Either way as long as the kiddos like it, that works for me!

Gabrielle said...

Thank goodness for the Einstein play gym! We would be unhappy and very fussy without it. Count us in the fan club too!