Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Funny Valentine

Jillian came down with a cold (and cough!) on Thursday. Poor thing will get sudden coughing fits. I ran out Thursday night to buy a warm steam vaporizer (BTW, a little tangent if I may: Purchased from Babies R Us for $20. Thought it was a good deal. Then on Saturday I saw the SAME one at Target for $13.50 AND in Target's ad today humidifiers are 10% off. Grrrr.... I HATE paying too much. What burns me is that Target is right next door to Babies R Us.) The vaporizer seems to help. The first night she went 7 hours between feedings! We are still bringing her in her bathroom and doing a hot steam shower at least once a day. I hope my baby will feel better soon!
So with her cough we decided not to go out on Valentine's Day. We still dressed up - well, Jillian dressed up. Jason and I stayed in our pjs. Thank you Cousin Ethan for Jillian's dress and Grandma Joy for her bib. It was a nice day nonetheless. After Jillian went to bed, Jason picked up dinner and we opened a bottle of Asti. We watched a couple episodes of The IT Crowd, a British sitcom (so funny!). There was no where I would have rather been.


Marie said...

I love those cheeks! I also love her dress and bib. Such cute pictures of the poor little sick girl.

Elizabeth said...

Jason - I told you IT Crowd was hilarious! We watched an episode last night, too! It's got to be extra funny when someone in the family is in IT. ha ha! Are you guys watching Season 1?

Bonnie said...

As a side note. . . the sudacare plug in vapor patch thingy is wonderful and easy to use