Friday, February 27, 2009

Let's Make Some Noise (So She Can Sleep)

This video is from last Saturday when Jillian crashed after her traumatic pictures at JC Penney (to come later). We were a little excited she was sleeping.


Marie said...

What? I thought she was a light sleeper and you had to be super quiet. She must have been really, really tired.

Marie said...

Ok, you know what I find funny? That it is 10 pm on a Friday night and what are we both doing?... blogging! What happened to those good old nights out for a glass of wine? Look what parenthood has done to us. Wouldn't trade it for the world!!!

Unknown said...

I love it when they can sleep through a noisy house. Heaven knows that is a requirement around here! I found our extra white noise machine, aka air purifier, if you want it you can try it at home. Maybe you won't need it? It's going to post as Benjamin, but this is Kimi, duh

Aunt Laura said...

I love seeing the video - it makes me feel like I am right there with you. I miss you all so much.