Saturday, July 18, 2009


So I couldn't resist buying the sweet potato puffs at Target last I went. I am unsure of when to add different types of food to Jillian's diet. I very carefully read the back of the packages on the baby food aisle to see if she was ready. {Now I know that most moms probably just go for food and have done much more at this point but for some reason food is foreign to me.} Puffs seemed fun so I went for it.

Jillian is so funny trying to eat these things. We actually don't hand them to her like the first photo shows but we scatter them on her tray. She does her best to pick them up but they end up hidden in her fist, or stuck to her skin or falling into her lap. It's great to see her try to pick them up though and its cute when she finally gets them to her mouth!


Audra said...

I love the puffs. I had a container in every diaper bag and in my purse. When Ephraim was fussy at the store out came the puffs, sad in the car out came the puff, they are so great to keep them busy and the great thing is they really can't choke on them because they dissolve. Jillian is so dang cute and getting so big.

weplusthree said...

I love watching them chase them around their little fists. Aaron tries to shove them to the back of his throat. Sometimes I worry about that kid. We still usually feed them to him, but sometimes I will put them on his tray to keep him his busy while we eat. I thought he was doing well getting them into his mouth... until I pulled him out, and there was a solid layer of puffs in his seat. Oh well. Wal Mart has little puffs that are considerably cheaper. They don't taste as good, but none of his food tastes all that great :P